Local business owner,
We would like to help promote your business through prizes and give away promotions you might donate to our valentines archery event, the “Cupid Shoot”, February 17th, 2017.
We expect up to 500 couples to participate in multiple shooting stations organized as the Game of Life … from 1st Date to Happily Ever-after, with a little couples therapy thrown in (get to shoot each other playing TAG)! If successful in navigating all of the relationship obstacles, the couples enter Happily Ever-after for chances to win YOUR prizes… dinner for two, buy one-get one, movie tickets, etc. What would help your business?
Texas Archery Academy located in Plano is a non profit 501C3 organization. Our mission is to develop archery access and education programs fostering the growth of Archery participation. Thousands of shooters visit annually!
Thank you for your support to make this event a success!
Clint Montgomery, Executive Director
Texas Archery Academy 501(c)3