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Texans Archery Club
Network of Range Locations     

We are working on adding several new ranges in Dallas, Mesquite, Rowlett, and Denton-Frisco areas.


(Surveillance cameras on all ranges)


Want another archery range in your area? HELP FIND IT! We will build it!

Ask your local mayor/park system director; solicit the donation of underutilized land/buildings; or contribute to our OnTarget Fund. We are committed to building a network of infrastructure to support Archery access!

We are also able to financially sponsor an independent range offering reciprocal access. 

Dallas Area:


Elm Fork  (Dallas) click for details No gate code is needed.

Public are invited on weekends. Please deposit range fee of $10 in honor box on Practice Range.
10751 Luna Road
Dallas, TX 75220

Intersection: Luna Road and Royal Lane (35E and 635)
MEMBERS: W-F 12-6pm, Sat-Sun 9am-6pm, ELM FORK IS CLOSED M-T. MUST WEAR MEMBERSHIP CARD. No loaner equipment available.  No minors without parent. BROADHEAD POINTS ONLY ALLOWED ON BROADHEAD RANGE. ALLOW CROSSBOWS use bag targets.





Schroeder Range   Gate code is needed. MEMBERS ONLY PROPERTY

12511 Schroeder Road, Dallas, TX 75243  (SEC 635 @ 75) Look for sliding gate entrance. Gate is kept locked at all times. Property owned by Clint Montgomery.

Member access only. No guests or public allowed. MUST WEAR MEMBERSHIP CARD, NO LOANER EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE,  No minors without parent. Static long distance range. Please – no use of broadheads. ALLOW CROSSBOWS use bag targets.

Adopted Lanes by members:

Jay Burns, Hugh Stephenson, Oakley Hall


Larger Hamilton Park property access suspended 2019:

McKinney “Breezeway” outdoor range. MEMBERS ONLY PROPERTY  1720 W. University McKinney, TX     Intersection: I-75 and 380 (Northeast corner)
 behind Academy and church. Member access only. MUST WEAR MEMBERSHIP CARD, NO LOANER EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE,  No minors without parent.  Gate code is needed.

40 yard small range which is positioned between two buildings.  Has moveable target for your convenience. Entrance is at rear of buildings with fenced entrance. Enter by gate code, for members only. Accommodates two shooters at a time

Melissa Range  Opened March 15, 2020. MEMBERS ONLY PROPERTY  4731 CR 277, Exit 46 from I-75 Gate code is needed. ALLOW CROSSBOWS use bag targets. THIS RANGE CLOSES ANNUALLY FOR HUNTING SEASON (MONTHS OF OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER)

Member access ONLY. No guests or public allowed. MUST WEAR MEMBERSHIP CARD, NO LOANER EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE,  No minors without parent. Static long distance range and NFAA 3D Animal Course. Please, no use of broadheads. Farm house and treehouse are off limits, please respect. Parking is immediately to the left of entrance. This area is safe to park, further down hill is flood plain and there is an easy risk of getting stuck!






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