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Texans Archery Club
Network of Range Locations     



November 28, 2021


Open to all shooters and Season Finale to TAIL (Texas Archery Indoor League)

9 meter competition $15 entry fee

18 meter competition $30 entry fee 

TAIL END:  30 arrow event. Culmination of the Texas Archery Indoor League for SOY awards. During the league season, you are striving for your top 4 scores (120 arrows combined score) which may include the optional 30 arrow TAIL END season finale. The league culminates with Shooter of the Year (SOY) awards for each age bracket, by equipment and gender measured by best four scores achieved.

Special awards are available for top Combined Score by an individual, and by a TEAM (best cumulative scores by top 5 team members combined).

TOP TURKEY SHOOT:  Your TAIL END score of 30 arrows at 18 meters will seed you in our special “shoot off” event, the TOP TURKEY SHOOT! Top 8 shooter scores (no distinction for age or gender) from Barebow, Recurve-sights, and Compound-sights will separately compete for individual TOP TURKEY $CRATCH and medals. The shooters are paired by seed (8 against 1, etc) in a bracket style elimination, they shoot a 3 arrow end, best score wins advancement, loser steps out!

$500 pot/style, split 1st 70%, 2nd 20%, 3rd 10% (for each of the three equipment styles)

TAIL END is an open event to all shooters regardless of prior league season participation. 

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Your age as of the beginning of the league in January , is the age group you shoot in all season.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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