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Texans Archery Club
Network of Range Locations     

Greeting – Customer service

We want to provide a consistent message to members and walk-ins. We want you to follow the following steps when someone comes into your facility.


When someone walks in the facility – it is YOUR responsibility to identify them as:

MEMBER (notice ID badge expiration) Everyone needs to be actively checking expiration dates – even if you know they come in everyday, consistency is the goal here.
Help them renew, or suggest the new flyer on “Programs” and other benefits they can enjoy (next to sign-in book).

PUBLIC they usually ask “so, how’s this work/cost?”
Answer: $10-$20
(point out the “Menu” of $20 Discover Archery, $10/$20 (equipment incl.)  Range Pass, $20 Intro to Archery Class)

ADD – If you think you might comeback frequently/have a family, we have annual membership (no range fees, free loaner equipment, network of ranges, Shooters Clubs have 24hr access)

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