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Texans Archery Club
Network of Range Locations     



 Texas Archery Indoor League (TAIL) details 


January –

TAIL 1/28/24 TAIL Registration link

TFAA SYWAT hosted Registration link

1/12/24 6PM (10 Yard ONLY); 1/13/24 10AM & 2PM (20 Yard ONLY); 1/14/24 10AM & 2PM (20 Yard ONLY)

 SOUTHERN CLASSIC  1/20/24 $50 entry, 70% payout cash, 330 format with top 8 elimination, pays top 3 placements (50,30,20) 9:30am Barebow Line; Noon Compound-Sights Line; 2:30pm Recurve-Sights Line    Southern Classic Registration

February –

NASP INVITATIONAL – FUNDRAISER  2/17-18/23 NASP Teams reserve a shooting time over the two day period, may enter twice max. NASP equipment only (loaner equipment available), 30 arrows at 10 meters on 80cm target. Must have a minimum of 5 shooters per team. All team members may participate, top 5 scores are combined for comparison standing among all entered teams in tournament. 50% of entry fees paid back to the top three teamss – 1st 50%, 2nd 30%, 3rd 20%. Prize monies paid to the Teams, a real “FUN”  fundraiser! Held on the event range of Texas Archery Academy. tournament information page

TAIL 2/25/24 TAIL Registration link

March – (Easter & Good Friday, Spring Break)

April – 

SCOUT INVITATIONAL – FUNDRAISER  4/27-28/24 Troops (all scouting organizations and gender) reserve a shooting time over the two day period, may enter twice max. NASP equipment only (loaner equipment available), 30 arrows at 10 yards on 80cm target. Must have a minimum of 5 shooters per troop. All troop members may participate, top 5 scores are combined for comparison standing among all entered troops in tournament. 50% of entry fees paid back to the top three Troops – 1st 50%, 2nd 30%, 3rd 20%. Prize monies paid to the Troops, a real “FUN”  fundraiser! Held on the event range of Texas Archery Academy. tournament information page

Questions, please contact:  Contact: Paul Durham

TAIL 4/28/24. TAIL Registration link

FITA Competitive Practice 

May – (Memorial Day, last Monday of month)

BOWHUNTER TUNE-UP  5/4/24 SATURDAY 9AM-2PM (3D Fun Shoot) – survival course with hunting scenarios. Carry 3 arrows only (with hit or miss scoring, bonus points and miss penalties). Barebow get distance handicap. Players may buy up to two arrows back for misses ($5 mulligan).  The shoot costs $20 members, $25 non. Survive the course, participate in a side $5pot shoot down.(Can be done as a Hagerman Qualifier requirement.- 80% of shots must hit the “vitals” on the target.) Held our Melissa outdoor range tournament information page

FITA Competitive Practice 

TAIL 5/26/24 TAIL Registration link

June –

TAIL 6/30/24. TAIL Registration link

TEXAS CUP – outdoor Star FITA 6/15/24 tournament page info link

July – (July 4th Independence Day)

TAIL 7/28/24. TAIL Registration link


August –

TAIL 8/25/24  & Club Rummage Sale (Sunday) TXAA will set up tables in the back room to liquidate some excess equipment, used bows and targets, at bargain prices. Members are invited to clear out their closets of hunting gear/sporting equipment. They keep all sale proceeds. TAIL Registration link

September – (Labor Day, 1st Monday)

TEXANS 900 – outdoor NFAA 900 Round 9/14/24 tournament page info

TAIL 9/29/24 TAIL Registration link

October –

ACADEMY YOUTH CLASSIC – indoor 600 Round

TAIL 10/27/24 TAIL Registration link

November – 

TAIL END 11/24/24 – includes additional Top Turkey Shoot off for money! TAIL Registration link


December –

TFAA SYWAT hosted Registration link

12/8/23 6PM (10 Yard ONLY); 12/9/23 10AM & 2PM (20 Yard ONLY); 12/10/23 10AM & 2PM (20 Yard ONLY)




Additionally, we have leagues to participate in. Usually 6 to 10 week formats. Check at your range to see what is being offered.

Competition age divisions

The NFAA and USA Archery have different ways of determining which age division you would compete in. NFAA competitions use your age on the day of competition, while USA Archery uses your age through the end of the calendar year.


Participants may compete as a:

  • Cub (under 12)
  • Youth (12–14)
  • Young Adult (15–17)
  • Adult (18–49)
  • Senior (50–59)
  • Silver Senior (60–69)
  • Master Senior (70+)

USA Archery youth classes

Participants may compete as a:

  • “Bowman” through the calendar year of their 12th birthday.
  • “Cub” through the calendar year of their 14th birthday.
  • “Cadet” through the calendar year of their 17th birthday.
  • “Junior” through the calendar year of their 20th birthday.

USA Archery senior and master age classes

Participants may compete as a:

  • “Senior” at any point they wish.
  • “Master 50+” when the competition takes place in the year of their 50th birthday and thereafter.
  • “Master 60+” when the competition takes place in the year of their 60th birthday and thereafter.
  • “Master 70+” when the competition takes place in the year of their 70th birthday and thereafter.

Age division calculator

Enter your birthdate below and see what NFAA and USA Archery age divisions you would enter for a competition today. To see what division you would compete in at a future event, enter a date in the second date field.

Enter your birthdate:,

Enter a date for a future archery event (optional):,

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